Friday, September 7, 2012

The Wayshower

The Teacher as a Lifelong Learner

I am not here to change you. If you desire, I may in some small way assist on your journey to learning. If you trust me as a guide, I will join you on this journey. It is your journey, not mine.

I did not become a teacher to change my students. I believe a teacher simply reminds his or her students about things they already know. In the heart, mind and body of every being are the answers to the most difficult questions and if those answers cannot be found from within, an outward journey becomes necessary.

I am, then, a Way Shower. Yet if not asked or sought out by the student, I am nothing but a quiet reservoir of ideas and experiences waiting to be shared. As a Way Shower, I am simply, a guide and partner on the journey. The journey, however, is personal. I can only show a way or path that can be explored or experienced. It is up to the student to decide which path will lead to the answers sought. Perhaps, it will be the path of Non-Action. If action is taken, it usually begins with the Inward Path for this way is the most powerful journey and is usually, the best teacher. Sometimes, however, the Inward Path must be preceded with a journey down an Outward Path that will eventually lead to an Inward journey.

Life is about learning. The only evidence of life is change. Change is movement and without movement, we are only potential. As we move, we learn and as we learn we change. The most profound changes occur as a result of the Inward Journey. There is no teacher present on this journey, only the internal voice of the heart, mind and body. Listen and the answers will come. A Way Shower just shows a student how to start the Inward journey by finding the Inward Path. If change results, it will come from within.

Journey forth… If you need assistance, let me know.

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