Friday, August 17, 2012

New Moon and A Lot Light

Wow! Are you a believer in Astrology? I am a believer but not a follower. I believe the planets have an influence in what happens on earth. I just do not understand the dynamics and interactions. I guess you could say that I am like many of the mainstream beings who believe but do not understand.

I would like to cite a source (website) that does believe, does understand and does try to convey the insight and information gained from a study of interactions, alignments and retrogrades. This site is: It is a website called The Power Path.

They, whoever they are (they are in Santa Fe), have been so right on (for us) numerous times. For example, in October of 2011 they warned:  "The image is that of facing a well-known view, in fact a view you have become so accustomed to you hardly notice it anymore. And now you have just realized that you are turning away from this view 90 degrees to the right and leaving it completely behind in order to face a new view. Suddenly it dawns on you that the old view will be gone forever, never to be seen again in the same way. There is nostalgia around the permanence of the loss of this old view. It is familiar to you and it has served to inspire, entertain, give you feedback and be a placeholder in your life. You realize that once you turn towards the new view the old one is gone forever. And despite the inadequacies of the old view in matching a new time, there is a resistance to giving it up and turning towards the unknown. What if the new view isn't as good as the old one? What if you won't be able to see the new view? What if it is not a clear view, or an inspiring one? What if there is no new view?" And, they were 100% right on. The evening before we read the above projecction, we changed our long time plans to stay in Santa Fe, NM and decided (out of the blue) to move to Idyllwild, CA. This was a 90 degree turn to the right (not wrong). 

In August of 2012, the writer states: " The theme for August is POWER. There are many ways to work with a theme of power and for this month it is more about looking at where you give your power away and then changing that behavior or pattern. It is also about learning to empower your desires from within rather than always looking to a greater power outside yourself to make things happen. This is a great month to revisit the idea of power and energy leaks and to spend some intentional time reworking your patterns in these areas."

On August 17: "The New Moon is at 9:54 AM Mountain Daylight Time. Practice gratitude above all else. Stay out of judgment and watch any negative thoughts. This new moon is like a reset button so be careful where and what you reset. Where your thoughts are is where you will reset. It is also best not to be around others who are contradictory, negative and uninspired. As always with any of the powerful moon times it is a good idea to honor them by being out in nature for a bit."

These last few days, August 14-17, have been particularly challenging in terms of our relationship. The writers tell us: " A good practice to do with regards to relationships is the practice of giving acknowledgment, attention, acceptance, freedom and choice to others. Give it without expecting anything back. This gets you away from focusing on yourself and into the service of empowering others. By eliminating the expectation you also make yourself available for that experience to come to you in ways maybe you never imagined." Again, these comments express a wisdom worthy of recognizing and incorporating into our relationship. 

Once again, right on. So the new moon in August is about light, heat and energy.

Leo New Moon: Sun and Moon in Leo – 25ยบ,  August 17, 2012 9:56 AM MDT.

"I Am Leo! Hear me roar! Beginning a new cycle in Leo means focusing on the Sun, our hearts, our will, vitality, and our purpose in this life. Leo is where our joie de vivre and our full creative expression of the self reside. The pure joy of expressing who we are in this body, in this lifetime is the gift of the Sun-ruled, King of Beasts. The Sun God, long worshiped as the source of life by so many cultures with its light, heat, and energy sustaining life on our planet, is our teacher now.   A daily practice of pointing your own heart towards the early morning Sun and absorbing the electro-magnetic energy and encoding of information into your being will help keep you aligned with the rapid changes taking place in our solar system." Leo the sun, the light and new moon of little light combine to bring us insight worth considering.

Have I become a believer in Astrology? No more than ever before however I respect the ability of the creators and writer(s) to be "right on". I respect their gifts and pay attention to their wisdom (regardless of the source).

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